Dream Nursery

and Primary School

Kasenge, Uganda


Attention: Katongole Ronald
P.O. Box 26391

Kampala, East Africa


dreamschool.uganda @gmail.com


Phone: 256752809053


About Us - We Are All Volunteers, and Work Simply From LOVE ♥♥♥


Mpagi Edward Edmary, Co-Founder of the Dream Nursery and Primary School. Edward is well known as "The Nelson Mandela of Uganda" for his life story and incredible capacity for forgiveness.  His dream the entire time he was held on death row nearly 20 years for a crime he did not commit was to build a school for AIDS orphans and children of prisoners in his community.  Edward is the Soul of our school, and although he suffered a stroke several years ago which somewhat limits his walking, he still does speaking engagements around the world against the death penalty, including at the United Nations, and is the head of the Ugandans Against the Death Penalty organization. ♥♥♥

Kathy Ozzard Chism, Co-Founder and Former U.S. Director for Dream Nursery and Primary School.  Given the Haupert Humanitarian Award in 2014 for her volunteer work throughout the U.S. and around the world, Kathy was​ tireless since 2008 in seeing Edward's dream come to fruition. Kathy did most of our fundraising, marketing, social media work, website construction, overseeing of our sponsorship program, communication with Ron, and design and planning of the school site. She has personally sponsored six of our children. ♥♥♥ Kathy passed away in June of 2023 following a long illness.  We are so grateful for her fearlessness in starting a school 6,000 miles away with a complete stranger, for her hard work through 14 years, and for her vision.  None of this could have happened without her.  ♥♥♥

Ronald Katongole, Uganda Manager of the Dream Nursery and Primary School. Where Edward is the Soul of the school, Ron is the Heart, and he is truly amazing!  He oversaw the school construction and initial hiring of teachers and staff, and he continues to get all the food and supplies for the children and staff, creates events for our children, manages our sponsorship program in Uganda, takes all the photos we use for our website and Facebook pages, coordinates all visitor needs, travels with Edward to support his speaking engagements, and so much more.  He has a kind and gentle demeanor, and the children adore him.  Ron is a gift, and we are endlessly grateful to him. ♥♥♥


Juliet Nabakooza, Uganda Assistant Manager of the Dream Nursery and Primary School Sponsorship Program. Juliet grew up in an orphanage because she lost her parents at an early age, and had a very difficult life. Yet Juliet stayed in school, got an education, and is happy to now help the disadvantaged children at our school. Juliet helps manage our sponsorship program in Uganda, and is a direct liason between sponsors and their children. She also facilitates connections between donors and women in Kasenge village who need assistance starting their own small businesses. ♥♥♥


Mary Treder, U.S. Director of the Dream Nursery and Primary School. Mary became a sponsor in 2015 and is proud to say that her "adopted" daughter graduated from Dream Nursery and Primary School, and is continuing her post-primary education with Mary's support. Mary had a long career in project management, process improvement, and data analysis, and loves sharing her talents and experience to support, strengthen, and grow our school. Since Kathy's passing, Mary is committed to carrying on her vision.  ♥♥♥


Rae H. George, Chief Financial Officer.  Rae has been helping the school in various capacities since its inception. His love for our children, our organic gardens named after him that help feed our children, the school, and all aspects of running the school is deep and profound. Rae is a compassionate vegan, the business manager for Banyan Tree Sanctuary in Kailua Kona, Hawaii, has been a massage therapist for over 30 years, is an expert organic gardener, has an incredible zest for life, and personally sponsors several of our children. Rae is also a musician, (percussionist), and singer/songwriter. His motto is simple: Love everyone, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  ♥♥♥





Patrick Agabi - Principal


Melinda Sanyu - Teacher and Administrator


Victoria Namutebi - English Teacher

Jonathan Kakande - English Teacher

Christine Namulindwa - English Teacher

Susan Nakyanzi - English Teacher



Gerald Fundi - Mathmatics Teacher

Felix Mugisha - Mathmatics Teacher


Cissy Namatovu - Teacher


Alice Namu - Secretary


Dr. Godfrey Lwanswa - Medical Doctor


John Kamuli - Tailor for Children's Uniforms and Tailoring Instructor


Watson Mutebi, Musical Director


John Bossa - Organic Gardens Manager

Betty Namaganda - Organic Garden Instructor


Christopher Nsubuga - Organic Gardener


Joseph Apaja - Head Cook


Elizabeth Namata - Cook


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Dream Nursery and Primary School - Creating Hope in Kasenge, Uganda