Dream Nursery

and Primary School

Kasenge, Uganda


Attention: Katongole Ronald
P.O. Box 26391

Kampala, East Africa


dreamschool.uganda @gmail.com


Phone: 256752809053


The Dream High School Valley Campus




Most of the children who graduate from Dream Nursery and Primary School are not able to continue their education because their families cannot afford it. In 2023, the grandmothers of one of those students donated their family land for an educational and vocational high school, so that future students will be able to continue their no-cost education through the dream school.


July 12, 2024 Update: Thanks to generous donors, we have made amazing progress on the Dream High School.

Today the walls are ready and the roof is nearly done, plus a well and a latrine. There is still work to complete the roof and finish the interior floors and walls. We hope to have the school ready for students by January 2025.



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Dream Nursery and Primary School - Creating Hope in Kasenge, Uganda