Dream Nursery

and Primary School

Kasenge, Uganda


Attention: Katongole Ronald
P.O. Box 26391

Kampala, East Africa


dreamschool.uganda @gmail.com


Phone: 256752809053


Uganda Dream School Videos

Watch with the sound on and check back here regularly to find links to our latest videos!

Uganda Dream School - August 2023

Urgent Need - August 2023

The Dream High School - November 2023

Merry Christmas - December 2023

We Are Officially Nonprofit - February 2024

Dream School Joy - March 2024

Spring Celebration - March 2024

Dream High School Volunteers - May 2024

Water is Life! - June 2024

Dream High School Progress - June 18 2024

Dream High School Progress - June 21 2024

30-Second Latrine

Raising the Roof - July 2024

Hi Brenda! - July 2024

The Roof is Done - July 2024

Water is Life! Part 2 - July 2024

Netball Tournament - July 2024

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Dream Nursery and Primary School - Creating Hope in Kasenge, Uganda